Breaking down barriers in communication: Best practices for equity and accessibility

A woman stands in front of a group of seniors and points at an iPad. She is teaching them how to use new technology.

Communication is vital to promoting collaboration, creating access, and advancing positive change in the public sector. In today's digital world, the importance of effective communication has never been more relevant, especially when it comes to promoting equity and accessibility in our communities.

Unfortunately, inadequate communication can have serious consequences, especially for marginalized groups. If we're not mindful of how we communicate, we can inadvertently perpetuate systemic biases, leading to adverse and even harmful outcomes.

To ensure that our communication promotes equity and accessibility, it's crucial that we pay close attention to our language, are mindful of our audience's cultural backgrounds and needs, and strive towards universal access to critical information.

So, how can public sector organizations improve their communication practices? Here are some tangible actions that can help:

Prioritize cultural competency: Start by understanding your audience's cultural backgrounds and needs, and ensure that your communication is inclusive and culturally appropriate.

Use plain language: Ensure that your communication is clear, concise, and easy to understand for all community members, including those with limited English proficiency or disabilities.

Ensure accessibility: Make sure that your communication is accessible for everyone, including those with disabilities, by using accessible technology and design principles.

Engage with your audience: Encourage feedback and engagement from all community members, including marginalized groups, to ensure that your communication strategy meets their needs and addresses their concerns.

Make use of technology: Use tools like social media, email, and messaging apps, and accessible design and technology for those with disabilities to reach broader and more diverse audiences.

At Golden Hour Consulting, we understand the importance of equity-focused communication in the public sector, and we're here to help you develop a comprehensive communication plan. Whether you're improving your website copy to be more inclusive, translating complex materials into plain language for limited English proficient audiences, or providing guidance on ensuring accessibility for all, we've got you covered.

Contact us today, and let's work together to create a more inclusive and accessible public sector where effective communication is the foundation for promoting collaboration, equity, and positive change.

With gratitude,


PS:  Don’t forget to add alt text to your photos! Click here for more info about how to do this.


The benefits of plain language translation: Why it matters for nonprofits