Leading your non-profit through uncertain times: The importance of daring leadership

As a non-profit leader, you know that today's world presents us with many challenges. From labour shortages and supply chain issues, to rising inflation and political extremism, it can feel like the chaos is never-ending. So, how do we lead through all of this and provide strong leadership in times of uncertainty? One approach that may be particularly helpful is what Brené Brown calls "daring leadership."

In her book, Daring to Lead, Brené distinguishes between "armoured leadership" (being a knower and being right) and daring leadership (being a learner and getting it right). According to Brené, daring leaders are willing to step up for uncomfortable conversations and vulnerable situations and prioritize human connection and empathy.

One way to practice daring leadership is through one-on-one meetings with team members. These meetings offer opportunities for connection, mutual feedback, coaching, and mentorship. To make the most of these meetings, consider asking your team members the following questions, which are designed to motivate drivers such as safety, security, and honesty:

  • Ensuring our teams feel safe and secure: "Is your workload feeling predictable and manageable? Are there any barriers I can assist in removing?"

  • Providing opportunities for learning and growth: "Have you been using your professional development opportunities? What's the last task or project that made you feel proud? What skill are you looking to hone?"

  • Creating space for honesty: "Are you feeling valued and fulfilled? Can you share an example of when you felt your best at work? What would you change right now? What can we change together?"

By consistently checking in with your team thoughtfully and creating stability when the world feels like it's constantly spinning, you can help foster a sense of connection and belonging. And, by being a learner and getting it right, you can help your team find calm amidst the chaos rather than just being a knower and being right.

If you're looking for ways to develop a plan of action and create more certainty in these uncertain times, we at Golden Hour Consulting are here to help. As a leading provider of non-profit consulting services, we can help you navigate these challenging times and lead your organization to success. Contact us to learn more.

With gratitude,


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